What to expect at Meeting

About Quakers

We meet every Sunday at 10:30 at the Meeting House and virtually via Zoom.

The Meeting for Worship is held in silence, or the silent expectation that the spirit of God will speak to us. The silence can however be broken by anyone who feels led to speak.  What an individual says should be worshipful.  As such, what is said stands on its own and is not open for criticism or discussion.

The Worship lasts one hour (except for the fourth Sunday, see below), at which time a member of the meeting will indicate that the Meeting for Worship is over by shaking hands.

While the formal Meeting for Worship is over, it is our practice to use the following half an hour as a time to share and to make introductions and announcements.  Some Sundays we take some time to reflect on and discuss quotes from “Advices and Queries” or Testimonies from FAITH and PRACTICE: Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. These enable us, if we are willing, to learn to live as Friends individually and corporately. Some Sundays we hear from a speaker, either a member or someone from outside our meeting. Details from each week of the month are available here – After Meeting Sharing. You are welcome to stay and participate.

(A link to the details of how to participate in person or via Zoom.)

On the fourth Sunday we have a half hour worship, followed by Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. Following that we share over a noon potluck meal and all are welcome to come. 

You can find videos about Quaker worship here https://quakerspeak.com/basics/.

We look forward to having you join us.


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